Please take note, a single purchase is for (10) Pack or (1) Carton of cigarettes.

American Spirit Gold


  • Strength : 7/10
  • Taste : 8/10
  • Tar : 6mg
  • Nicotine : 0.8mg
  • Manufactured by Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company

Our smoking experience with Natural American Spirit Gold has been great and highly recommended for smokers that enjoys a mild & tasty cigarette!


Please take note, a single purchase is for (10) packs or (1) carton of cigarettes.

American Spirit Cigarettes is an amazing choice for all type of smokers as they are available in a variety of strength with different nicotine content to suit individuals with different tolerance to guarantee a nicotine buzz. If you’re still wondering on which American Spirit will suit your taste, our Smoke Experts highly recommends American Spirit Gold as they provide an exceptional smoking experience which will offer a mild buzz. You can place an order of American Spirit Gold online today as we offer many variety of smokes on our store which is available to smokers worldwide to buy at economical prices!

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