Please take note, a single purchase is for (10) Pack or (1) Carton of cigarettes.

American Spirit Yellow


  • Strength : 6/10
  • Taste : 8/10
  • Tar : 6mg
  • Nicotine : 0.5mg
  • Manufactured by Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company


Please take note, a single purchase is for (10) packs or (1) carton of cigarettes.

Natural American Spirit Cigarettes is produced by Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company and they are available in different colors. They are color-coded for their strength and
differences, the yellow pack are mellow and subtle in taste which guarantees a smooth smoking experience for all. The American Spirit cigarette price is just under $7 for a 20’s pack or $54.95 per carton. allows smokers to buy cheap cigarettes online as we source them directly from third world manufacturers hence we are able to sell it back to your customers at a low-cost.

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