Please take note, a single purchase is for (10) Pack or (1) Carton of cigarettes.

Dunhill Mint Release


  • Strength : 6.5/10
  • Taste : 10/10
  • Tar : 8mg
  • Nicotine : 0.7mg
  • Manufactured by British American Tobacco

Please take note, a single purchase is for (1) Carton or (10) Pack of cigarettes.

Dunhill Mint Release – Maximize your smoking experience with Mint Release! Every puff of these will guarantee an ice-cold sensation that is very pleasant as they are subtle, mild and most importantly they will deliver a freezing sensation that is being describe as a subzero environment in your mouth!

The Dunhill Brand has been named after it’s inventor – Alfred Dunhill and is manufactured under British American Tobacco.

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